Incomplete Harmony (2021)

Artsoombi Center, Incomplete Harmony - Eum Kixung Solo Exhibition, Seoul, Korea

The Unbalanced Harmony series sees discovered objects that have been touched by people but are now discarded and in an incomplete state as objects imbued with spiritual energy and spirits of the past. A series that aesthetically satirizes the process of industrial products being created and destroyed indiscriminately, paradoxically, by reassembling the collected pieces into a single mass.


(R) Metalic man, founded objects, mixed media, 175x34x167cm, 2019

oyabun, founded objects, mixed media, 45x44x138cm, 2019

sayonara, founded objects, mixed media, 63x42x174cm, 2019

ox, founded objects, mixed media, 59x14x29cm, 2019

Mc’s chandelier, founded objects, mixed media, 45x45x50cm, 2019

Photo : Jang Jinwoo